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The Bereny Bugle
‘Blowing our horn for the People of Bereny’

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Dateline: 12-03-519

Word has reached Bereny that the City of Splendours, the capital of the Empire of Kyr, is being threatened by an army of undead.

According to reports, an army of animated skeletal warriors, possibly thousands strong if not more, has appeared from the uninhabited desert that lies to the south-east of the city.

Similar skeletal armies are reported to be moving against other Kyrian cities bordering the desert further to the east. The Empress’s advisers have called on all Kyrian warriors to rally to the defence of the Empire and for militias to be raised from all settlements in the Empire. They have even asked for assistance from Berenians living in Kyr, and Bereny’s ambassador Baron Ephraim Stryker is reported to have offered his personal retinue in assistance to the Kyrian army. Baron Ephraim has not said if he will be delaying his return to Bereny for his forthcoming wedding as a result.

At the City of Splendours the defence is being commanded by the Ra’is of the city, Mustapha Jihad (a Ra’is being broadly equivalent to a Berenian Duke).

Appropriately, the desert’s Kyrian name translates to the Desert Of Endless Pain And Misery, and it is said to be so inhospitable that it has never been fully explored, even by the Kyrians. No-one has any idea where the skeletal armies have come from or how many more there might be in the desert’s trackless depths. Although Kyr’s cities are well defended (at least the western ones best known to Berenians are), outlying settlements are often not fortified and so may be vulnerable, but defending them over so vast an area of inhospitable terrain is expected to pose a severe challenge to Kyr’s fragmented and decentralised army.

The similarities to the undead invasion presently being experienced by Bereny in northern Moonward are inescapable. Although there is no evidence that the two events are related, the possibility cannot be discounted that this is another finger of the same claw of evil.


26-02-519 - Undead threat to Moonward continues

08-11-518 - Guild Commanders announce a new alliance

17-02-518 - Army mobilised to face unknown threat