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- Letters to the Bugle -

Dear Bereny Bugle

I feel I must protest at the uncontrolled building that has been allowed in formerly green areas around Crownheart. I'm passing that way now, and what do I find but TWELVE new inns built directly next to each other.

Even if a massive party of barbarians descends on the place there can't be any need for that many drinking establishments to be open at once. Why oh why is the Crown granting planning permission to such rampant and unecessary destruction of previously pristine wild meadows, no doubt with the usual comcomitant negative effects on local insect and wildlife. Really, I feel I the need to protest!

Distressed Nature Lover,



Dear Bereny Bugle

Reading your publication this morning, I nearly passed a prune through my nose! Barnyard fowl squabble ... while Eagles rip things to shreds with their mighty might talons. As little concern for avian powers as for history ... Harrumph.

On the subject of history, I have disinterred from my archives a report from some years ago regarding those Royal Blades. I quote from the Myriad Chronicle Number 8, penned by none other than Laurence DeVille, royal scribe to our beloved Mark the Third:

The Crown Awards

In his annual awards ceremony, which is usually just a series of honourable mentions for leading merchants and tradesfolk, The King surprised everyone by unveiling seven magical 'Royal Blades'. These Long Swords are a powerfully enchanted and a valuable prize.  The King announced his intention to award three of the blades to the Royal Guild of Adventurers, to be distributed by the guild-leader to members he felt had most earned them.  Another three are to go to the Bereny Eagle Elite Fighters on the same basis. These six swords, the King said, are to demonstrate the Crown's regard for the services these guilds provide. The Seventh Blade has been reserved for award at a later date.

My associates within the Eagles remind me that their three blades were erroneously recalled along with the Royal Guild's blades (quartermasters never being the most reliable of the services, and prone to short memories and empty palms).  And that the RGA has not seen fit to part with their undeserved windfall.

I hope my reconnoitring will be of use.

Lieutenant Axelrod Blacktalon

B.E.E.F., retired

See also:

27-09-517 - Royal Armoury corruption revealed by royal blade scandal

06-09-517 - RGA and Eagles squabble over royal blades


Disclaimer: The views expressed in letters to the Bereny Bugle are those of the the author and do not represent those of the Bereny Bugle.

Let us know your views: Send your letters to The Editor, at <iane ‘at’>.

Dear Editor,

As Commander of the Courtyard Guard in Red Mountain, I am very concerned as to the tone of your recent article, "Worse than a dungeon?"  While it is true that a number of Berenian citizens are living outside of the dungeon courtyard proper, I would think that a safer environment would be their preference.  After all, monsters live in dungeons.  Also, I would assure you that the residents of the Strategic Temporary Accomodations Near Courtyard (your reporter obviously made up that name) are under our protection much as any other citizen would be.

This is not the first anonymous article I have read in your paper hostile to our administration.  Indeed, I think there have been more articles regarding Red Mountain than all other dungeons combined.  As such I request a meeting with your anonymous reporter in order to correct the article and hash out any other concerns he or she may have with regards to our administration.


Commander Jonathan Sevenlimes,

15th Crown Fortification Brigade

See also:

01-05-517 - Worse than a Dungeon?


Dear Cmdr Sevenlimes

Thank you for your response to our recent article. I believe that our article fairly and accurately represented the facts from a range of sources but we are happy to take your comments on board and will pass them to our Red Mountain Keep correspondent. Perhaps the prominence given to RMK in our periodical reflects that, to quote Lady Mariah Stuglehoffen, "every day finds new and wonderful things happening in RMK."

Regrettably our current correspondent in Red Mountain Keep is unable to meet with you. He (or should that be she - I forget now) feels that continued anonymity is the best defence against the threat of violence from the criminal elements which, despite the best efforts of yourself and your fellow enforcers of law and order, persist in the area of Red Mountain.

You will doubtless recall that our previous correspondent in Red Mountain disappeared under suspicious circumstances and has never been found, although one of your colleagues in the courtyard guard was good enough to return to us a badly burnt Bereny Bugle press pass with the advice that our reporters should 'watch their step' in future (a reference no doubt to the treacherous footing in those parts of the courtyard where there have been recent lava flows).

While I have every confidence that you would take all possible steps to protect our correspondent's identity at such a meeting, the risk that nefarious persons might observe the meeting and discern the identity of our correspondent is too great. We should also wish to avoid placing yourself at risk from such criminal elements should they seek retribution against you.

However we should like to reassure you that our correspondent knows who you are, and shall continue to pay close attention to what you have to say.

Rebekah Seyke

Editor-in-Chief, the Bereny Bugle

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