The Bereny Bugle
‘Blowing our horn for the People of Bereny’

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- YEAR 515

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- YEAR 517

- YEAR 518

- YEAR 519

- YEAR 520




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Dateline: 30-4-518

Fundamentalist religious order the Dei Vigilare have appointed a new leader to their militant arm, Gladius Dei. The position of Gladius Primus has been given to Lady Buega of Jess, a Crusader of Bethseline.

Lady Buega is famous as being the winner of the ‘Bereny’s strongest woman’ contest six years running. Until recently active in the Underworld, she returned to the surface to aid in the defence of Crownheart against the demon army and is now rumoured to be on the way to Safe Haven to assist in attempts to fathom the mysteries of the Godstone.

However even as Lady Buega was being appointed by the order’s head Baron Amdral Gettleman, another of its members was creating controversy. Gunnar Trollslayer, a priest of the Glacier People’s god Volsun and a member of Opticus Dei, the order’s arm charged with ‘seeking out heresy and the minions of evil’, called for the destruction of all vampires.

“The Gods have spoken to me and I say death to all Vampires”, he announced from the Dungeons of Drax, re-igniting tensions between the DV and their allies on the fundamentalist wing of the Church, and those wishing to see vampires accepted into Berenian society.

Count Kain, acting head of the Vampire Council, was quick to respond by calling on those Guilds with Vampires as members - and in particular BEEF and the Walkers on the Edge - to speak up in defence of their members.

In a recent interview with the Bugle, Baron Gettleman told us that in the view of the DV “no vampire is capable in the long-term of resisting corruption and degeneration into evil”.

Although King Dirk also spoke up promptly to say, as he has previously, that the Crown would not approve of attacks on Vampires who have been given adventuring licences, he then went on to give some support to the Baron’s hard-line stance by adding “Not that I object to killing vampires in principle, but I would ask that you direct your efforts towards those that have not sworn fealty to the Crown first.”

A DV spokesperson told the Bugle “DV remains committed to abide by the request the King made of the adventuring community on this matter when he was Regent. For the time being DV, as a guild, will honour the Crown's request.”

Following the recent discovery of an ancient scroll suggesting that in the distant past a ‘Vampire Kingdom’ existed in what is now the Brokenlands, there has been renewed interest in seeking out the ‘Castle of the First Vampire’, which is alluded to in the scroll as being the site of the ruler of that kingdom, the First Vampire or ‘King Of Blood‘. How reliable this information is cannot be judged, and the Vampire Kingdom is supposed to have been completely destroyed in the cataclysm which rendered the Brokenlands uninhabitable. However there are persistent unconfirmed rumours that both the Vampire Council and the Dei Vigilare have dispatched expeditions into the Brokenlands to seek it out.

Gunnar Trollslayer is no stranger to controversy having recently blamed practitioners of magic for the deterioration of ‘the Weave’ and lamenting that Bereny didn’t kill any who displayed such abilities.


20-10-517 - The man who walks with Gods

14-10-517 - Vampire leader ousted over Relm symbol

16-08-517 - Glaze accused over Vampire death

25-02-517 - Vampire Council ‘Moves into the Light’