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The Bereny Bugle
‘Blowing our horn for the People of Bereny’

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Dateline: 14-06-520

Outlying settlements in the South continue to be struck down by the deadly illness.

The deadly wasting disease known as the Snow Plague continues to claim victims in the south of Bereny and beyond, in the Glaciers proper. However to the relief of the Crown Authorities in Wintred and White Citadel the spread of the disease has not been as rapid as many had feared, and it has not taken hold within either city.

This has largely been thanks to the curative developed by alchemists sponsored by the Duke of Poldoon. However although the cure has protected those most at risk from infection, it is too expensive and difficult to manufacture to be distributed among the general population.

The plague, named both from the region from which it emanates and the deathly white pallor it induces in its victims, has displayed a very high lethality to those who have contracted it. Although some have survived and recovered, it continues to kill the majority of its victims.

There is however some news from the mission dispatched to the village of Rijjeka, at the edge of the Glaciers, to investigate the plague. The mission caused controversy when it first arrived after reports of excessive brutality towards the village’s inhabitants. However the Bereny Bugle has learnt that after gaining entry to the Plague House where infected villagers had been incarcerated, the mission has reported finding that these unfortunate people had become mindless undead monsters.

Even more sinister is that beneath the Plague House they found some sort of secret laboratory, with a door protected by high-level magical enchantments, and the servants of someone known as the Master.

In a short but intense battle against these servants, who seemed filled with unnatural raging fury, the expedition has suffered several casualties, but reports that it is now prevailing against them. However they have not yet located a cure for the plague, nor have they found any conclusive evidence of its origin.


03-04-519 - Bloody massacre in the Glaciers

01-03-519 - Weird weather in western Frostward

18-6-518 - Snow Plague claims victims in Bereny

07-02-517 - What happened to the Glacier Mission?