The Bereny Bugle
‘Blowing our horn for the People of Bereny’

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- YEAR 515

- YEAR 516

- YEAR 517

- YEAR 518

- YEAR 519

- YEAR 520




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Dateline: 13-1-517

A report from the Castle of Count Kainen claims that the notorious Vampire Count has indeed survived from the Time of Thunder into the present day, but has now been destroyed. And he was struck down, not by any mortal, but at the hands of another Vampire Count, Count Hellstromm.

Adventurers have been exploring the ruined castle, which lies in the extreme east of Frostward, ever since the Society for Arcane Knowledge offered a reward of 5000 GP for the recovery of the fabled Count Kainen’s journal last year.

However as one of these adventurers told the Bugle, this proved to be a dangerous business. “We discovered a host of vampire broods inhabiting the tunnels beneath the castle ruled over by a vampire lord calling himself Count Kainen. These vampire broods are terrible in their violence, devoid of any human trait like compassion or sentiment, and are lethal to all but the most seasoned adventurer. They are always hungry from blood, and as willing to drink it from other vampires as from mortal victims.”

However their Vampire Lord has now been struck down by Count Hellstromm, according to a report sent to the royal Court by Hellstromm himself. Hellstromm was the first vampire to be formally recognised as a citizen of Bereny by the Crown Commission on Adventuring Monsters, and now himself sits on the commission. He has served as a Royal bodyguard and is a senior member of the Bereny Eagles. More controversially, he has been named as a member of the recently formed ‘Vampire Council’.

Whether this ‘Count Kainen’ is truly the same individual as the legendary Count from before the Time of Thunder is uncertain, but if he is then he has returned from certain destruction once before and some in the castle have wondered if he has really been destroyed this time. Perhaps if the Journal is found it will answer some of these questions, but as yet no-one has admitted to having found it.

See Also

26-01-516 - Arcane Society and mystery of the ‘Vampire Count’