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The Bereny Bugle
‘Blowing our horn for the People of Bereny’

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Dateline: 02-07-520

The Crusading Orders have been holding a secret crisis meeting in Crownheart.

The Bereny Bugle has learnt that, in an acrimonious debate among the heads of the crusading orders over the appropriate response to make to the vampire situation at Korl, Sir Gaborn Val Orden, the Lord Crusader of Merl, has threatened to resign.

The Lord Crusader’s resignation offer took place at a crisis meeting of all six Lord Crusaders that was also attended by the King (who was present through magical projection) and a representative of the High Priest. Although the discussion took place behind closed doors, an anonymous source close to the office of the High Priest has told the Bugle that Sir Gaborn found himself at odds with his fellow Lord Crusaders after he suggested that vampires were not intrinsically evil and that the Crown should accept ‘good’ vampires. When this was vehemently opposed, particularly by Lady Stella, Lord Crusader of Marial, Sir Gaborn accused them of being blinded by bloodlust and hatred. When the Lord Crusader of Cambron, Cerv Elan, demanded an apology, Sir Gaborn apologised and then offered his resignation.

King Dirk however refused to accept Sir Gaborn's resignation, insisting that no final decision to make a military response to the crisis was required until after all diplomatic options had been exhausted, and emphasising his support for the position of all the Lord Crusaders.

Some more cynical commentators have suggested that in refusing Sir Gaborn’s resignation the King was perhaps not motivated by a desire to restore harmony to the Crusading Orders, but was more mindful of the chaos that might result in the collection of royal taxes should the Kingdom's chief tax collector suddenly leave office.

Sir Gaborn’s attitude towards vampirism has long been at odds with that of the Church, and particularly with his fellow Lord Crusaders. He has previously come under criticism over the presence of a female vampire in his immediate entourage. There have even been rumours that Sir Gaborn's relationship with this vampire is inappropriately close for a Lord Crusader.


20-06-520 - Vampire-occupied village rebels against the Crown

21-12-518 - Lord Crusader accused of 'gross moral turpitude'